Building simple .deb package
Instructions for buliding simple deb package from compiled binary with dpkg-deb. Only recommended for personal use.
Create folder structure and copy binaries and libraries. Example:
(pkgname)/usr/local/bin/(binary) (pkgname)/usr/local/share/(appname)/(stuff) etc.
Create control file in (pkgname)/DEBIAN/control. Example fields:
Package: <appname>-<version>-<rev> Version: x.y.z-n Priority: optional Architecture: amd64, i386, all Depends: libabc (>=x.y.z), libother Maintainer: <name> <<email>> Description: Short description A little longer description . Some more stuff
Possibly need to change ownership to root:
chown -R root:root (pkgname)
Build package:
dpkg-deb --build (pkgname)